NCF Training Modules

  • Educational Frameworks and Policies
  1. CBSE Board and Its Curriculum – A Synopsis
  2. Implementation of National Credit Framework in School
  3. National Credit Framework
  4. Pivotal Changes by CBSE for 2024-25
  5. CBSE Major Changes in 2024-25
  6. Education Policies Curriculum Framework and Inclusion
  7. National Curriculum Framework Foundational Stage
  8. Decoding National Curriculum Framework
  9. New Changes in CBSE Board Examinations 2024
  10. CBSE 2024 Exam Details
  • Classroom Management and Instructional Strategies
  1. Effective Classroom Management
  2. Lesson Planning for Educators
  3. Wholistic Lesson Planning
  4. Classroom Strategies for Slow Learners
  5. Addressing Academic and Behavioural Challenges in the Classroom
  6. Addressing Academic and Behavioural Challenges in Classroom
  7. Effective Teacher Preparation Program
  • Professional Development for Educators
  1. Continuous Professional Development Avenues for Teachers
  2. Conclave on Financial Literacy
  3. Digital Wellness for Educators
  4. Stress Management for Teachers
  5. Digital Creativity Skills Introduction to Creativity Skills and Overview of the Tool (Adobe Express) for Creation of Learning Content
  6. Strategies and Techniques to Improve Handwriting Skills for Children with Academic Challenges
  7. Developing Writing Fluency
  • Mental Health and Well-Being
  1. Support Student Mental Health by Working Together
  2. No Place for Fear Ending School Violence for Better Mental Health and Learning
  3. Role of Teacher in Supporting Student’s Mental Health
  4. Promoting Mental Well-being in Schools: Challenges and Strategies
  5. Teachers’ Challenges VS Mental Wellness
  6. National Conference on Mental Health and Well-being in Schools and Role of School Administrator
  • Literacy and Numeracy
  1. How Gaps in Foundation and Literacy Impact Your School
  2. The Science of Reading in Practice Series
  3. Achieve Foundational Literacy and Numeracy in Children to Improve Their Outcome
  4. Enhancing Classroom Potential Through Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
  5. How Foundational Literacy & Numeracy Helps in Academic Success
  • Technology in Education
  1. Emerging Trends in Educational Technology
  2. AI in Education for School Educators in Metro Cities
  3. Unleash Creativity & Generative AI for Students in Classroom
  4. Wow Your Class with the Power of AI
  5. AI Tools for Academic Research
  6. AI & Robotics in Schools
  • Innovative Teaching Methods
  1. Fostering a Scientific Temper in Children at School
  2. Promoting Use of Libraries and Cultivating Reading Habits
  3. Competency Based Learning Assessment
  4. Competency Based Assessment
  5. Montessori Education
  6. Creating and Teaching Unique Classes
  7. Using Art to Enhance Learning Experience
  8. Game Based Education
  • Specific Learning Areas
  1. Developing Entrepreneurial Skills
  2. Cyber Security
  3. Online Financial Literacy and Security
  4. Blended Learning
  5. Drawing, Animating with Audio and Video Storytelling
  6. Creating Graphic Organizers and Digital Portfolios
  • Special Needs Education
  1. Techniques for Advancing Expressive Writing in Children with Diverse Needs
  2. Unlocking Arithmetic Potential in Inclusive Classrooms
  3. Strategies for Developing Math Readiness in Children with Special Needs
  • Parent and Community Engagement
  1. Fueling Student Achievement and School Growth: The Ripple Effect of Parent Engagement
  2. How to Work with Parents Whose Children Face Academic Difficulties
  • Holistic and Emotional Development
  1. Promoting Happy Schools
  2. Social Emotional Learning: Using Literacy to Support Resilience
  3. Emotional Intelligence for Teachers