Observing and Exploring Surroundings
Name two trees:
- Thick trunk: ___________, ___________
- Thin trunk: ____________, ___________
- Write names of some objects which have patterns of leaves and flowers on them in your house: _____________
- Which one is a medicinal plant?
- a) Tulsi
- b) Neem
- c) Pudina
- d) All of these
Understanding Relationships and Roles
- What do you call your:
- Father’s mother: ______________
- Mother’s father: ______________
- Father’s sister: ______________
- Mother’s brother: _______________
- Who helps you with your homework? ______________
- When I want to know about the past, I go to my:
- a) Uncle
- b) Grandfather
- c) Brother
- d) Sister
Exploring Means of Transport and Communication
- Circle the odd one out:
- a) Car, Jeep, Scooter, Bus
- b) Aeroplane, Helicopter, Cycle, Rocket
- Identify the following means of transport:
- a) _____________
- b) _____________
- How do you contact your naani (who lives far away) or your father (in office)? [Mobile phone/landline]
Understanding Food and Nutrition
- Circle the sources of water given in the grid: [Insert grid here]
- Tick the food items that you have in your mid-day meal:
- Dal, Burger, Chapati, Dalia
- Egg, Noodles, Parantha
- How does your mother cook food? (on gas, stove, heater, etc.)
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Correct the following:
- a) Cow gives us honey.
- b) Dog pulls the cart.
- c) Horse guards our house.
- d) Honeybee gives us milk.
- Which animal eats other animals? [Choices: Goat, Lion, Horse, Cow]
- I am the National bird of India: _____________
Conducting Experiments and Observations
- Identify objects that float and sink:
- a) _____________ (Float/Sink)
- b) _____________ (Float/Sink)
- Experiment to understand evaporation: Place a wet cloth in the sun and observe what happens after 1 hour. Record your observation: _____________
- Observe the weather: Describe today’s weather and predict tomorrow’s weather based on your observation: _____________
Creating and Designing
- Design a simple water filtration system using household items:
- Materials needed: _____________
- Steps: _____________
- Create a model of an ideal classroom using recycled materials:
- Materials used: _____________
- Features included: _____________
- Sketch and color a garden layout: Include different types of plants and paths. Sketch here: [Space for drawing]
Understanding Environmental and Social Issues
- Discuss the impact of pollution on your local community:
- Types of pollution observed: _____________
- Effects on health and environment: _____________
- What are sustainable practices? List two practices you can start at home to promote sustainability: _____________
- Role-play: Act out a scene where you convince someone to stop littering. Script: _____________
Exploring Cultural and Social Practices
- Explore a festival: Choose a festival celebrated in your region and describe how it is celebrated, including food, decorations, and activities: _____________
- Interview a grandparent: Ask about a traditional craft or recipe and record the steps: _____________
- Draw and describe a traditional costume: Pick a region of India and illustrate its traditional attire: _____________
Engaging with the Environment
- Plan a nature walk: List what items to bring and what features to observe: _____________
- Start a recycling project at school: Outline the steps involved and the benefits: _____________
- Participate in a tree-planting activity: Document the process and the types of trees planted: _____________
Understanding Scientific Concepts
- Simple machines around us: Identify and list simple machines used in daily life and their purposes: _____________
- Basic principles of light and shadows: Conduct an experiment to show how shadows are formed: _____________
- Water cycle model: Create a model to demonstrate the water cycle, including labels for each stage: _____________
Observing and Exploring Surroundings
Name the tree found in desert areas, its fruits are eaten by people and its bark is used as medicine: a) Khejadi, b) Neem, c) Mango, d) Apple
In which month do Litchi trees come to flower? ___________
Match the columns:
a) Valley of flowers – Uttarakhand
b) Madhubani – Bihar
c) Khejadi tree – Rajasthan
d) Onion – Australia
e) Date – Abu Dhabi
f) Dessert Oak – Roots
g) Hanging Roots – Valley of Flowers
Which place in Uttar Pradesh is famous for ITR (scent)? (Kannauj / Agra)
Name the flowers used in dishes in the following states:
a) Uttar Pradesh – K __ __ H __ __ R
b) Kerala – B__N__ __ A
c) Maharashtra – S __H__ __ N
Understanding Relationships and Roles
Write one word for your family relations:
a) Your father’s father – ___________
b) Your mother’s mother – ___________
c) Your father’s elder brother – ___________
d) Your mother’s sister – ___________
e) Your father’s sister – ___________
Match the family relations with Malayalam terms:
a) Nani – Ammumma
b) Masi – Kunjamma
c) Chacha – Chitappan
d) Chachi – Valiyamma
List three reasons that bring change in a family:
a) ___________________________
b) ___________________________
c) ___________________________
Exploring Means of Transport and Communication
Discuss the different uses of transport and communication in your surroundings: List how people travel and communicate, mentioning any specific local methods or technologies.
Role-play a scenario: Acting out buying a train ticket and asking for directions at a station. Include dialogue that could be used in both situations.
Create a transportation timeline: Show how transport methods have evolved in your local area from past to present.
Understanding Food and Nutrition
Discuss the importance of food and nutrition: Write about balanced diets and the role of different food groups.
Role-play a scenario in a grocery store: Choosing healthy food options over junk food.
Create a weekly meal plan: That includes all necessary nutrients for a family.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Problem-solving exercise: Describe a scenario where you need to choose between two difficult options, and outline your decision-making process.
Logic puzzles: Include a few puzzles that encourage logical reasoning and solution finding.
Debate: Set up a classroom debate on a relevant topic where students need to use critical thinking to argue their points.
Conducting Experiments and Observations
Design an experiment: To test water filtration using natural materials.
Observation diary: Keep a week-long diary of the weather, noting any patterns or unusual occurrences.
Experiment: Show how plants absorb water by using dyed water and white flowers.
Creating and Designing
Design a simple machine: Using household items to solve a common problem.
Create a blueprint: Of an eco-friendly house, labeling all the sustainable features.
Art project: Make a collage out of recycled materials, focusing on a theme related to nature.
Understanding Environmental and Social Issues
Research project: Investigate a local environmental issue, such as water pollution or deforestation, and propose solutions.
Discussion: Host a classroom discussion on a recent news article about a social issue, encouraging different viewpoints.
Essay: Write an essay on the importance of community involvement in solving social issues.
Exploring Cultural and Social Practices
Cultural study: Choose a culture different from yours and present its customs, traditions, and everyday life.
Interview: Conduct an interview with someone from another culture or an older generation about their life experiences.
Group project: Create a presentation on different marriage ceremonies around the world.
Engaging with the Environment
Environmental audit: Conduct an audit of the school to find ways to make it more eco-friendly.
Nature walk: Organize a nature walk for your class, pointing out different types of plants, animals, and their roles in the ecosystem.
Eco-challenge: Start a challenge in your school to reduce waste, with classes competing to recycle the most.
Understanding Scientific Concepts
Science fair project: Develop a project that explains a scientific concept, such as gravity or electricity, using everyday materials.
Quiz: Create a science quiz that tests basic scientific knowledge and concepts relevant to your curriculum.
Scientific method exercise: Outline the steps of the scientific method and apply them to a simple experiment, such as testing soil types.
Observing and Exploring Surroundings
Identify animals with special senses:
a) Special sense of smell: ______________
b) Special sense of sight: ______________
c) Animal that sends warning calls about danger: ______________
Match animals with their sleeping time:
Cow – 17 hours, Python – 12 hours, Giraffe – 04 hours, Cat – 18 hours, Sloth – 02 hours
True or False:
a) Snake dances on hearing the sound of been. ( )
b) Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of humans. ( )
c) Animals that are awake at night can see things in black and white. ( )
Information about Tiger:
a) A tiger can see ______ times better than us.
b) Tigers mark their area with their ________.
c) Tiger’s roar can be heard up to ________ kilometers.
d) Tigers ______ can sense the movements in the air.
Understanding Relationships and Roles
Where should we go:
a) To open an account: ______________
b) To complain of a theft: ______________
c) To pay our water bill: ______________
d) To have vaccination: ______________
What we call:
a) The head of a Panchayat: ______________
b) A man who roams all night to guard us: ______________
c) A place where we get a variety of books to read: ______________
Contact numbers:
Police station: __________, Fire brigade: __________, Ambulance: __________
Exploring Means of Transport and Communication
Write methods of preserving food items:
a) ______________
b) ______________
c) ______________
d) ______________
Name some food items that can be preserved by:
a) Boiling: ______________
b) Canning: ______________
c) Freezing: ______________
d) Drying: ______________
How do you get water in your house? ______________
Understanding Food and Nutrition
Interdependence among animals, plants, and humans:
Find out animals on which people depend for their livelihood and complete food chains:
Animals used for livelihood:
Milkman: ______________, Farmer: ______________, Washer man: ______________
Complete these food chains:
a) Sun → Plants → ______________ → ______________
b) Grass → Deer → ______________
c) Plant → Worm → Hen → ______________ → ______________
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Describe the role and functions of different institutions in daily life:
Bank, Panchayat, Co-operatives, Police Stations etc.
Match appropriately:
Bank – Loan, Police Station – Maintenance of law and order, Hospital – Treatment of disease / injury
Why do we come to school? Explain in five sentences.
Conducting Experiments and Observations
Guess properties and conditions of phenomena:
a) The earth is round like a ball / an egg: _______
b) Things kept floating / set straight in a spaceship: _________
c) Hot air is light / heavy: _________
d) Cold air rises up / comes down: _________
Create a table with entries for a week or a month: Day, Time of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset
Creating and Designing
Groups objects, materials, activities for features and properties:
Solids: ____________, ____________, ____________
Liquids: ____________, ____________, ____________
Gas: ____________, ____________, ____________
Enlist these things according to their traits:
Soluble: Salt, Sugar, Milk Powder
Insoluble: Seeds, Stone, Wood
Understanding Environmental and Social Issues
Establish linkages among terrain, climate, resources, and cultural life:
In which climate do people live in houses with sloping roofs? ____________
Why do you think the climate is changing?
Exploring Cultural and Social Practices
Traces changes in practices, customs, and techniques of past and present:
Traditional sources of water: ____________, Modern sources: ____________
Write the name of state where these festivals are celebrated:
a) Bihu: ____________
b) Pongal: ____________
Engaging with the Environment
Environmental Audit: Conduct an audit of your home and school to identify how energy and water are used. Suggest improvements to increase efficiency.
Plan a local conservation project: Identify a local environmental issue (such as littering, loss of habitat, or water pollution). Plan a project that involves the school and community to address the issue. Include steps, necessary materials, and expected outcomes.
Ecological footprint calculator: Use an online tool to calculate your ecological footprint. Discuss what aspects of your lifestyle have the largest impact on the planet and how you can make changes to reduce your footprint.
Debate on environmental policies: Organize a debate on a current environmental policy affecting your community or nation. Prepare arguments for and against the policy, focusing on its environmental, economic, and social impacts.
Understanding Scientific Concepts
Science Experiment: Water Filtration: Design and conduct an experiment to test different methods of water filtration. Use natural materials like sand, gravel, and charcoal. Document the process, observations, and results.
Physics in Action: Simple Machines: Identify examples of simple machines (lever, pulley, wheel and axle) in your school or home. Explain how they make work easier, providing real-life examples.
Chemical Reactions at Home: Demonstrate a safe chemical reaction using household items (e.g., baking soda and vinegar). Explain the science behind the reaction and its applications in daily life.
Biological Study: Local Ecosystem: Take a field trip to a nearby natural area. Observe and document the types of plants and animals found, discussing their roles in the ecosystem. Create a food web or chain based on your observations.
Records observations and experiences; information in an organised manner:
Circle the objects that float on water: a) Leaf, b) Iron Rod, c) Wooden Scale, d) Steel Spoon